I’ve been going on little excursions or trips, the initial tag line I’ve been attaching to it is ‘A Lesson In Living Not Existing’. At the moment what’s interesting me is what can seem the more banal aspects of traveling but can be quite important. This is the National Express station in Manchester.
Sunday, 31 January 2010
Just one more thing...
I’ve been going on little excursions or trips, the initial tag line I’ve been attaching to it is ‘A Lesson In Living Not Existing’. At the moment what’s interesting me is what can seem the more banal aspects of traveling but can be quite important. This is the National Express station in Manchester.

So I have completed excursion 2 and although I would not dub it entirely successful it was still in someway productive.
I did not get something sent back to myself other than a post card, however I did not know what the postcard had on the front until I got home which was mildly interesting. This was my second postcard and so I tried to write it as a guide to myself of how to be a better version of me? But it did seem kind of cheesy when I received it so the postcards have to be fine tuned. I did manage to get some stuff by asking people to give me something that they have but don't need (someone offered sperm.. I respectfully declined).
As far as furthering experience etc I did 2 things, I went on a motorbike for the first time and learnt how to srawpedio... alcohol science is fun.
I also saw quite a cool exhibition at the cornerhouse (http://www.cornerhouse.org/), cairo - the breaking up of the ice by Jacob Cartwright and Nick Jordan (photo of man in tree is from it), it was a good collection of stuff to gain an overall picture. I think I mainly responded to the whole mission or expedition of the whole thing, i like the idea of getting fully involved in something, not that you can't be fully involved in a different way but with something like that you're absorbed by it for the length of the trip that's why you're there, you are living something.
This is just a quick add on to this post, I've taken a couple of shitty videos from the coach on the way home, I kind of like the rhythm of the lights and I like the whole night coach thing and I think when people think about traveling they think about lights on the way. For me I see coach journeys as a reflecting time, a lot of the time it's going home from uni or coming back so thats a few hours to reflect on the term or holiday and it's quiet, especially when it's dark.
Friday, 29 January 2010
Pre Post-post
I am currently on excursion number 2 of the project. So this is a pre-post for the post I shall post when I get home and have processed the things I have seen. I JUST TYPED POST TOO MANY TIMES. So this is kind of a reminder to myself that I need to write about a) the art I have seen b) the cool things I have seen and c) What I'm actually doing! Carry on creating kids, BYE.
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
A new blog...
Ok, so this is a brand new blog! How terribly exciting. I'm going to admit that this post isn't going to be great but I think I need to leave something on here! SO...
New Project- Practice and Materiality.
I'm finding the word materiality a little daunting, mainly 'cause I'm not sure what I normally do. My materials are little scraps of paper and post-it notes. Can you become a professional post-it noter?
What I'm meandering along with is doing things and then seeing what happens. I'm working towards something to do with experiencing as opposed to existing, actually doing things, not being afraid to be spontaneous. Obviously we're like a week in so it's just a baby of an idea, anyway, tally ho I best be off creating. Byez
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