So I have completed excursion 2 and although I would not dub it entirely successful it was still in someway productive.
I did not get something sent back to myself other than a post card, however I did not know what the postcard had on the front until I got home which was mildly interesting. This was my second postcard and so I tried to write it as a guide to myself of how to be a better version of me? But it did seem kind of cheesy when I received it so the postcards have to be fine tuned. I did manage to get some stuff by asking people to give me something that they have but don't need (someone offered sperm.. I respectfully declined).
As far as furthering experience etc I did 2 things, I went on a motorbike for the first time and learnt how to srawpedio... alcohol science is fun.
I also saw quite a cool exhibition at the cornerhouse (http://www.cornerhouse.org/), cairo - the breaking up of the ice by Jacob Cartwright and Nick Jordan (photo of man in tree is from it), it was a good collection of stuff to gain an overall picture. I think I mainly responded to the whole mission or expedition of the whole thing, i like the idea of getting fully involved in something, not that you can't be fully involved in a different way but with something like that you're absorbed by it for the length of the trip that's why you're there, you are living something.
This is just a quick add on to this post, I've taken a couple of shitty videos from the coach on the way home, I kind of like the rhythm of the lights and I like the whole night coach thing and I think when people think about traveling they think about lights on the way. For me I see coach journeys as a reflecting time, a lot of the time it's going home from uni or coming back so thats a few hours to reflect on the term or holiday and it's quiet, especially when it's dark.
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