Monday, 10 May 2010


In regards to the blog I had some initial concerns about it, mainly that a blog which you are required to do seemed a little contrived which seemed the opposite of what a blog is supposed to be, although after thinking about it there are bogs which people do 'cause they feel like it and when they feel like it but also people are required to blogs to update people on things and some people train themselves to do daily or weekly etc.
I was also concerned about my tone, but that turned into more of an interesting thing than a concern after a while, I naturally adapt my tone when writing on the internet, it's much more casual and occasionally more sarcastic and changeable with my mood. This made for an interesting change from writing in a research file. I think overall it has been a good thing, it also made me think more when I went to exhibitions about more than just the art or more than just my feelings towards the art. I do have a habit of drifting in Robyn-world a bit, and it was probably a good thing to make myself look at everything a bit closer.
In regards to the show I think that it has been very good experience to be more involved in all aspects of it, its been really interesting if a little stressful. I think with a show for so many people it was always going to have its difficulties, communication being an obvious one. I was on the marketing team for the exhibition and at the beginning we came up with loads of really interesting ideas, like most things initial ideas are a lot grander than what is really realistic but I think we've done a good job of coming up with an interesting marketing strategy. I think the leaflets came out really well, the same with the posters. For various tedious reasons I was a little overwhelmed by things so unfortunately was probably not as useful in the printing etc of the leaflets which I really regret, because of this I found things I could get on with by myself like finding extra tags to add a little extra variety to the bulk order of tags laura got and setting up a facebook event for the show to add an extra way for people to invite people.
I have high hope for the show, I have had my doubts but I have a feeling things will come together in the end and actually look much better than people were anticipating, it's the kind of thing that people suddenly realise is a real exhibition when everythings up because up until that point everyones been busy marketing/curating/fundraising/logisticing as well as getting their artwork together.

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